Contributor Guidelines

Thank you for your interest in contributing to the USYaY website! We are always looking for talented and knowledgeable writers to share their insights with our audience.

These guidelines are designed to help you write a successful post that will be informative, engaging, and relevant to our readers.

1. Choose a Topic that is Relevant to Our Audience

Our blog covers a wide range of topics, but we are especially interested in posts that are:

  • Informative: Teach our readers something new or help them to better understand a complex topic.
  • Engaging: Written in a clear and concise style that is easy to read and understand.
  • Actionable: Provide our readers with tips, advice, or resources that they can use to improve their lives or businesses.

2. Do Your Research

Make sure that your post is well-written and well-researched. Cite your sources and provide links to relevant information.

3. Be Original

We only accept original content that has not been published elsewhere. Plagiarism, or using information from other sources without due acknowledgment, will not be accepted.

4. Be Respectful

We encourage you to share your own opinions and perspectives, but please be respectful of our readers and our community.

5. Write a Strong Introduction

Your introduction should grab the reader’s attention and make them want to read more. Start with a strong hook, such as a surprising statistic, a thought-provoking question, or a personal anecdote.

6. Organize Your Thoughts

Break your post down into clear and concise sections. Use subheadings and bullet points to make your post easy to read and scan.

7. Use Strong Visuals

Images, videos, and other visuals can help to make your post more engaging and informative. Make sure that your visuals are high quality and relevant to your topic.

8. Write in a Clear and Concise Style

Avoid using jargon and technical terms that your readers may not understand. Write in a conversational tone and use simple language whenever possible.

9. Proofread Your Work Carefully

Make sure that your post is free of errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Ask a friend or colleague to review your post before you submit it.

10. Promote Your Post

Once your post is published, please share it on your social media channels and encourage your readers to do the same. You can also submit your post to relevant directories and websites.

Additional guidelines:

  • Post length: We prefer posts that are between 800 and 2,000 words long. However, we will consider shorter or longer posts if the quality is high.
  • Links: You are welcome to include links to relevant websites in your posts. Please do not provide links to spammy or low-quality websites. For a more natural flow, include links throughout the body of your material rather than at the beginning or end.
  • Images: If you are using images in your post, please make sure that they are high quality and licensed for commercial use.
  • Filtered Content Policy: Any links or talks about casinos/gambling, CBD, or adult-oriented content will be immediately monitored and removed.
  • Reference Sources: Avoid using naked URLs in your content to keep it looking polished.
  • Promotions: We do not allow promotional content. Your post should be informative and engaging, and it should not be used to sell products or services.

Note: The content should preferably be 100% unique and free of plagiarism and grammar mistakes.

We hope these guidelines help you to write a successful post for our blog!
